The story of the San Antonio Shoemakers™(SAS) family begins with its founders, Terry Armstrong and Lew Hayden. After working for a local shoe company, Terry and Lew struck out on their own. Terry and Lew had a vision of how genuine leather shoes should be made. With determination and the support of their families, they started their first factory in 1976 in San Antonio. The SAS reputation grew by word of mouth and became a name people could trust for comfortable, quality footwear. San Antonio Shoemakers brand is a humble American success story and continues to be a family-owned enterprise driven by an obsession with fit and quality.
Our store is also a family-owned business. SAS Shoes at Jon’s began as Irving’s Shoe Store in 1954 with Irving as the owner. Irving began selling quality leather shoes always searching for shoes that combined the best workmanship and comfort. In 1978 Irving invited his son-in-law, Jon to join the business. We began carrying SAS shoes in 1980 and in a short time SAS became our major brand and is now 90% of the inventory.
Our employees are trained shoe fitters and average over 20 years of experience. Our goal is to make your shopping experience enjoyable along with knowing you are receiving the valuable benefits of our staff’s knowledge. SAS shoes are available in widths from Slim to Extra Wide. We will provide you with outstanding value, service, and of course comfort that will be worthy of your repeat business and good word of mouth.